Dress is something foremost in the human mind. The human animal wakes and gets dressed. Dressing is protection against weather and simultaneously a form of self expression and these two worlds overlap except for extreme cases. Lady Gaga would not wear one of her couture outfits to her gym for example and would not wear jeans and dirty t shirt to the funeral of a close relative or friend. I use her as an example only.
This entry is about sagging pants. Recently an acquaintance uploaded a YouTube video about really skinny jeans, discussing their effeminacy and even their sexuality. Now I don't mean baggy pants that sag, but pants worn purposely (with a belt!) under the ass with their undergarments in full view. I, don't care a flip about your boxers but if I did, I'd ask so put you damn pants on please. Men just like women like their pants to say something about them but what do sagging pants say beside, "I think this is a fashion statement." Their are many fashion habits I look at confused because of aesthetics but none due to functionality.

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