Aristotle said, "A true friend is one soul in two bodies." I, don't know if I believe this. Aristotle was the inventor of rhetoric, or at least its perfecter, so I can't decide if this sentence is true or if ole Ari was putting people on. I have a friend named Greg, a few years younger than me. Greg and I have a long past together. We've been through a lot of things together, bad but mostly good, but we are very different people, we like different things or at least that's how it seems to me. He likes 50 Cent and a lot of rap, I like very little rap, and listen to everything from Bach to Bob Dylan. He dresses like he grew up in a ghetto in east NY, my dress varies. Another difference is in how we look at women. When he's single, god help you if you're a woman. Greg can smooth talk a nun or a stack of bricks into having sex with him, but it's not just talk. Greg's one of the kindest most sensitive people I know but I think, he masks it under an overt sex desire. I'm not a psychologist though. Me, I have no idea how I ever talked a girl into having sex with me let alone how I got a girl to marry me. Perhaps that's part of my charm, my wife was overwhelmed with pity that she fell in love with me; I still don't know why.
So when a friend like that looks at my "blizog" and tells me he wants stroke material from art throughout the centuries, I cannot, will not, say no to him. Here you go Greggy. For you.

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